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Showing posts from August, 2017

Letter Rr Writing Experience

Each week we study a new letter and we try to base our writing experience around this. It can consist of cooking, reading a book, science experiments or a craft activity. This week our letter was Rr and we got to use our new kitchen space to create our goodies. What could we be making? Check out our photos and video at the end to find out.

PE Fun - Kiwi & Weka

We have been working on our large ball skills this term. We began with passing, bouncing and throwing with our hands, then we have moved into passing and kicking with our feet. Today we ended our lesson with a Big Kick Competition. Well done Connor A for an amazing kick for the win!  We also had lots of fun on Wednesday doing relays with balancing activities. We balanced ribbons on our heads and even did egg and spoon races. We have really been enjoying being able to be outside learning in this lovely weather. 

Relay fun in the sun

Today we had fun in the sun while some of our hub was away at the snow.  We split into four teams and had lots of different relays. The children loved participating in a range of different relays using different pieces of equipment. It was great to see them displaying our values especially Choosing the Right Attitude and Play! Bring on Summer!


Last week our letter of the week was v. We had a blast making volcanoes with paint and watching the volcanoes erupt in the sandpit. Then we wrote about the amazing volcanoes for writing. Have a look at the slide below to see our eruptions.