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We were very lucky this week to have Mark in to make Hot Cross buns with the junior hub children. Here is the process of how to make Hot Cross Buns.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Jorja here.
    This looks like fun I beat they were amzing.

  3. Hi it's Zoey here.
    I loved your video about how to bake hot cross buns and now I want to make them.

  4. Hi makeing bread looks so fun to make and do.

  5. Hi Its Boston.
    I really like how you guys helped the juniors celebrate easter bye making hot cross buns.
    mmm looks yum.

  6. HI Junior Hub it's Alyscia.
    Looks like you had fun making hot cross buns yummy.
    I wonder what they tasted like.


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