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Mega Air Trampoline Arena

Yesterday the Junior Hub had an amazing time at Mega Air Trampoline Arena. It was sad that we couldn't play in the snow but the trampolining was so awesome! There were so many different trampolines for us to jump on. Take a look at the photos and videos below to see how much fun we had! 

Benaiah showing off his tricks.

Kian taking the giant leap.

Brodie jumping onto one of the many big boxes.

There was even a place to play dodgeball.

Fenix is making his directorial debut with this fantastic video of Mega Air Trampoline, complete with commentary so turn up the sound!


  1. Kia ora koutou.
    I am so glad that you all went to Mega Air because I have heard about how much fun it is. There are many senior kids who have heard about your trip and are keen to go too.
    Thanks for sharing these great clips and photos.

  2. Kia Ora Koutou Mackenzie here,
    That looked really fun but we went skiing instead though that looked super fun because at least it didn't hurt when you guys fell for me it did but that's me so anyway bye!

  3. Hello my name is Emalea from Gilberthorpe School.
    Wow that looks like a lot of fun.
    I want to go to MEGA AIR!!!!

  4. Hi im Josiah from south hornby school and that looks like so much fun because our school trips are nothing like that your school is so lucky That makes me want to go to mega air.

  5. Hi Junior Hub, I'm Nika St Bernadette's School and I'm a Year 6. I like how you added some videos and a slide with pictures. Maybe next time you could add more description about your trip. Why did you decide to go to mega air?

  6. Hi Junior Hub, My name is Isabel I'm a year six at St Bernadette's School. I saw you went to Mega Air, it looks like you had heaps of fun! Maybe next time you could add in some information about what your day was like or in the slideshow write a sentence about that picture.
    What was your favurite skill at Mega Air ?


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