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Weka and Pukeko Portraits

Weka and Pukeko students continued to work hard this week and blew Miss Corry and Miss Harris away with some amazing portraits. They were given a picture of half their face and a pencil and the rest was up to them. Look at the amazing work they created!


  1. Hello My name is mikayla from Rata class
    I like how you have made the the cool Pichers

  2. Hey junior hub yous look so the same and the pitchers are awesome bye awesome junior...

  3. hay!junior hub you did a great job this was kirsty who rite this bye

  4. Well done! I love the way you guys drew the other side of your faces. This reminds me of the time when we took a photo of our self and made it black and white. Then we had to color our faces funky colors of our own choice. Maybe next time you could have a go at coloring it in the write colors on the other side. I would love it if you came to my own blog at That would be cool. I can't wait to comment again.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Amazing work! My name is Evan and I am a student from South Hornby School. I really like your pictures. I remember when I did this with my class! Maybe you could color the pictures in.

    1. hi ashton here good driwing.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. hi my name is Jayden and I like the drawing of your faces.

  9. Hi I am Matua from south hornby school.and WOW you actually look like your actual photo because you are awesome.

  10. Hi these are so great I love the effort I see, maybe next time you could put a text next to your portrait, other than that well done.

  11. Hello Junior Hub, it is Paige and Tali from St Bernadette's School. We liked how you have drawn the other half of your face. Maybe next time you could go over the face with vivid to make it stand out because it is a little hard to see. We can't wait to see other works.

  12. Hi Junior Hub it is Kurtis from St.Bernadette's School I am a year 6 student . What I liked about your work is the insert of your photos and the drawings of the other side of your faces. What I think you could do next time is to go around the outline of your drawings in felt pen or black marker. I am looking forward to seeing more of you work. Great work keep on positing lots of hard and cool work.


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