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Our New Blog Buddies

We are very excited to begin working with our new buddy school in Auckland. We are going to follow their blog (see the link on the left of this page) and comment on their learning this term. 

Our blog buddies are Room 8 from Wesley Primary School. We look forward to getting to know them a little better by watching their learning that they share on their blog. 

We took advantage of the Warehouse Stationery 'Get NZ Writing' postcards to send some greetings to our new buddy class. We did a 10 minute Quick Write to send them a little message.

We hope the mail will give them a nice surprise and Make Their Day!


  1. Kia ora
    Nau mai, haere mai, welcome to Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu. My name is Tania, I am a Manaiakalani Outreach Facilitator for Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu and I live in Whangarei, not far from where you live in Auckland. Have any of you ever ventured this far North? I am looking forward to checking out your blog this term and seeing the incredible learning and creating happening in your class. I hope you all enjoy checking out other class blogs and leaving them positive, thoughtful, helpful comments. What a FANTASTIC idea to start by sending them postcards! I am sure they will love receiving them.
    Ngā manaakitanga

  2. OOps sorry I read that wrong, your buddy class is in Auckland - YOU are in Christchurch! That is a long way from where I live in Whangarei :-)

  3. Kia ora,
    Wow! You definitely made our day with these AMAZING postcards. Thank you so much, we look forward to getting to know your class and school more and sharing our learning with you as well.
    From Room 8


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