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Our Finished Art

This is our art which we have finished. It needed a bit more sparkle so we added glitter which we think looks like a starry night.  When we look at our art we feel happy and proud. We worked so hard and Mrs Ryan is super proud of us!


  1. Kia ora, we the Harakeke class.

    We love your art! It looks so cool Catalina said.

    DJ said did you use glue?
    Ryder said it looks like a city - which city did you paint?

    Thanks, haere ra

  2. How good is this!!! It looks like a really busy city, very impressive. I wonder if you have seen some cities in the world that might look like this? Keep up the great work :-)

  3. Kia Ora Misty Rose from Hornby Primary School he pai ki ahau the way you Create a City.
    How did you Finished the art work?
    From Misty Rose

  4. Bula, we are Room 3 from Wesley Primary School. We really liked seeing the art you have shared in this post. We thought the glitter was great! What other art supplies did you use when making your cities? How did you come up with the idea? When we were learning about Matariki we created some starry night art too! Thanks for sharing, blog you late, Room 3 @ Wesley Primary School.

  5. Maiyah showed this to me when I came in to class the other day. Looks really cool! I liked the way some people added smiley faces on the buildings giving it a bit of character :)
    Tino Pai

  6. Kia ora my name is Shikya from hornby primary school i like your tower it is very cool because thire is lots of colors.

  7. amazing art work love the colors


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