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Celebrating Diwali

Celebrating Diwali

Last week, the people of India celebrated 'Diwali'. Diwali is the 'festival of lights'. Indian people celebrate the festival with sweets and special foods, as well as traditional music and dance. 

We were lucky to share the celebration with Harsirat from Wawata class last week. She performed an Indian dance for us, which we enjoyed very much. Some of us tried to copy the movements from watching her dancing. Her performance was even more special as she learned the dance moves by watching Youtube clips and created her own dance. 
We could clearly see she worked very hard matching her moves to the rhythm. 
Thank you, Harsirat!


  1. Kia oia i like your dasing it was amaseing it is Roy from Homby primery school

  2. kia ora i like your dance and the meusic Narteiau hornby primery 3

  3. hi its me caitlyn lee i love gilberthorpe school


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