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Manith's Home Learning

Manith was working hard again yesterday on his homework home learning book that he received in the mail. Ka pai Manith you have done lots of work!


  1. Brenda Abernethy29 April 2020 at 10:48

    Hi Manith, I like the work you have done in your work books.
    Well done!

  2. We are a superstar, Manith! You are continuing to work hard each day. Make sure that you go outside and have fun, too.

  3. Hello Manith! What awesome work you've been doing in your books. Was it exciting getting your books delivered by mail? I bet you could't wait to open the parcel!

  4. Manith you are doing some awesome work! I hope you enjoy the pack Miss Harris and I made for you today, can't wait to see you reading those books. Keep working hard.

  5. What fantastic work you are doing in your bubble Manith. I can see that you are learning lots!


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