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Miss Corry and Miss Harris's School Bubble!

Check out the slide below to see how we got on with our first day of onsite learning! Social distancing certainly made our day very different to normal school!


  1. Your bubble is super cute! What a day for Harper to start on, very special! I hope you had a super day Harper and Ka Pai to the teachers for making it so fun for you :-)

  2. Oh Happy Birthday Harper! Looks like you had alot of fun at school!

  3. Looks like you had a very happy day! I love your bubble pictures!

  4. It looks like you all have a great day. I think Harper will always remember her first day at school.

  5. Oh my goodness! This was so nice to read today! What a happy wee school bubble! Welcome to Gilberthorpe School Harper! I can see that Miss Corry and Miss Harris and all of you are having an awesome time at school! I am so looking forward to joining you one day!

  6. What a great first day of being bubble buddies. These are great photos and you all seem really happy to be at school. It was nice talking to you from across the court.

  7. I miss you all, and I wish I were there with you. So happy to see all the fun learning you are doing at school and look forward to seeing you at our Zoom meeting tomorrow.


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