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Onsite bubble day 2!

We definitely made the most of the wonderful weather that we had today and spent a lot of our time outside, walking and playing with our own individual sports equipment. Check out what we got up to below!


  1. It looks like another fun day. Thank you for joining in with our Zoom this morning. It was lovely to see so many students join us. Did you have a competition to see whose paper plane went the furtherest?

    1. Yes we did! Everyone loved flying the planes!

  2. Awww. This is so lovely. It was a really nice day and pretty special to be able to do some different kinds of activities. See you across the court on Friday!

  3. It was really nice to see you all at the meeting yesterday and thank you for joining in. What a lovely learning day you had! I like your leaf symmetry. See you on Friday morning!

  4. Such a cool bubble! A real bonus to be able to have such quality time together. Great to see the new picnic tables being well used :-) I wonder what today has instore for you!

  5. Brenda Abernethy1 May 2020 at 10:28

    Hi everyone in your bubble, I loved looking at your photos. The activity with the leaves looked fun. I saw some great reading going on too. Have a happy day today and I will wave to you.

  6. Jamie Cummins1 May 2020 at 10:37

    Maddison and Charlotte love running up and down those hills and rolling down them. It has almost been a daily activity in our bubble

  7. I cannot believe how much fun you're all having! You are doing so many exciting activities. Seeing you all rolling down the hill made me smile!


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