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Sana's Bubble

It is always awesome getting messages from Sana. Today she shared her bubble drawing and said how much she misses me and Miss Corry since she'd seen us in the video in the morning. We miss you too Sana and it was great to get your message!



  1. Hey Sana! I miss you too!! This message today made my day, thank you so much! I love the picture of your bubble!! Looks like you are having lots of fun in your bubble!?

  2. Hi Sana, what a lovely picture you have drawn. It looks like you were enjoying the sunshine today. Keep sending photos because we all love to see the wonderful work you are doing.

  3. Hi Sana! It is great to see you, thanks for sending in your picture, I love seeing the work you are trying to do at home! Hopefully we will see you back at school before too long :-)

  4. The picture of your bubble is awesome Sana. It is so nice to see Aristo sharing his creation too! Thank you to you both.


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