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Aanaya's Busy Week

Aanaya continues to be busy in her bubble! Last week she made a kite with her mum and nana. The kite went a long way up in the sky! Aanaya was very busy folding origami hearts and she even made a 3D rainbow. I am so pleased you are enjoying learning in your bubble Aanaya.



  1. I like your origami butterflies and hearts. They are really pretty. It looks like you used some coloured paper and also papers you coloured in. The way you put clouds at each end of the rainbow makes it look like its floating in the air. It's gorgeous! Your kite flew very high in the sky. What fun you must have flying it!

  2. Wow I can't believe how high your kite went, you must have picked the perfect time to go outside! You are certainly very clever with your arts and crafts Aanaya, what beautiful origami work you have made! I wonder what was your favourite part of the week?

  3. I wonder how you made your kite? I really liked the butterflies and hearts!:)
    From Olivia

  4. Wow, your kite went so high! How did you make your kite? You will have to show us at school! I love seeing all of your work and how proud you are. What has been your favourite activity that you have done?

  5. What an artistic girl you are Aanaya! Look at all your amazing art work you've shared with us! And the kite you made has blown me away! It is flying miles up in the sky .... was it hard to control? How did you reel it back to earth? Incredible!


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