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Carter's biscuit creation!

Carter had a busy day designing and making his new biscuit creation. He made them with his little sister. He called the biscuit 'cheater' and it is orange with blue icing. It also has yellow and pink sprinkles with hearts and butterflies on it. Carter also made a blue rainbow package for them. These biscuits look impressive Carter, I bet they tasted delicious. Great work!  



  1. Wow Carter, I love how proud you are of of your amazing creations! Your cheater biscuits look amazing and so yummy. I love how much work you put into all of this Carter great job. I would definitely buy them if I saw them at the supermarket :-)

  2. Wow Carter, I think your biscuits look so yummy! You made lots and lots of biscuits. Did you count up how many you made all together? How many biscuits would you put in each packet? I think your packaging looks very colourful and your biscuits would appeal to a lot of people. Maybe you will be a biscuit inventor when you grow up!

  3. Hi Carter! These cheater biscuits of yours look so delicious! I really like the coloured icing and the sprinkles you have used to decorate them! Yum! How nice to see your sister helping you out too. Well done, Carter.

  4. Kia ora Carter.
    As soon as I saw the photos in this post I was interested. I love the blue colour of your icing. The sprinkles you have put on top make them even more appealing. How did they taste?

  5. Brenda Abernethy12 May 2020 at 15:04

    Hi Carter, I like your biscuits they are so colourful. Your sister looks very excited to be helping you. I also like the poster you made of your cheater biscuits.
    Well done!

  6. Gosh! Your cookies, the 'Cheaters' look amazing! I like the way you design your cookie first and then created your cookies as you designed and planned. I wonder what you will create next using the same process. Thank you for sharing your work!


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