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Check in with Charlotte & Maddison

Charlotte and Maddison have had another busy day in their house. Maddison has been doing Charlotte's challenges with her.
Our writing for today was to write a story about the muddy picture. Check out the picture we used and then have a look at Maddison's writing and check out the video of Charlotte reading her story. 



What is really cool, is that they have had experience in a mud pit before by competing in the Muddy Run. Check out the photos of their experience. 

They also made their sock puppets and put on a show. Check it out.

AND Charlotte did her Maths and collected data  on the colour of cars that drove along Gilberthorpes Road during a 15min period and recorded in on a tally chart.

I love seeing what you get up to each Charlotte. It is super cool that you and Maddison complete each others activities. I hope we made your day when we went for a walk and called out to you to say hello. Keep up the amazing learning in your bubble!! This work is super impressive. You should be incredibly proud!


  1. Wow. There is so much great learning going on in this post. I love how you have lots of pictures and video clips to show what you have been learning. How coo to have a mud themed story and that you have some prior experience of mud in that mud pit. The slide looks like a whole lot of fun.

  2. Jamie Cummins6 May 2020 at 19:41

    We absolutely loved seeing you all today. Maddison and Charlotte both loved it. It made their day. Thanks for calling out to us ❤❤

  3. We loved seeing you today too, it was the best part of my day! This work is amazing girls, I love the photos of you guys in the mud and your stories are so descriptive. I love how confident you are reading out your story too Charlotte! Man that is so many cars that went past your house! Your puppets look fabulous and the puppet show made me smile so much! Ka pai girls :-)

  4. Goodness gracious me! What another busy day you had today Charlotte and Maddison. I think the mud run looks like a lot of fun. How funny to see Miss Corry and Miss Harris today:) I can't believe how much work you are doing in your bubble - you might have to come back to school for a rest!

  5. Another amazing lot of learning girls! Fantastic! I loved watching your puppet show, I hope you can do things like that back at school for your class!

  6. You girls are awesome! So wonderful to see you having such a great fun learning together. I loved reading your story of the mud run. I can feel the hard and crusty skin when the mud gets dried on you. I enjoyed watching your puppet show, too. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Wow Maddison and Charlotte! You girls have been incredibly busy! I really do like your puppets and loved watching your puppet show! Doing a mud run must have been so much fun! You have both written super- duper stories about your experience. Thank you for sharing all that you're doing at home. Fantastic!

  8. hi I'm simeli from whakamana and agin agin plz


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