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Check out what Kelsea's been doing today...

Kelsea talks about her favourite food, yummy doughnuts in the first video and she shows us how she did the egg experiment and what she found out. I enjoyed watching your videos, Kelsea. You expressed yourself and explained the process of the experiment very clearly. Awesome work, Kelsea!


  1. Hi Kelsea, your donuts look so good. I have never made donuts before and would love you to tell me how you make yours when we all get back to school. I wonder why one egg floated and one egg sunk. Did you come up with an answer?

  2. Nice work Kelsea. Even though they're paper those donuts look so yummy! I am very impressed that you made your awesome writing with a pocket for your donuts, Kelsea Donut! I love seeing all your videos I think that they could use them on the home learning channel! Your science experiment is awesome! I love your dance at the end too! I wonder why it doesn't sink in salt water? It looks like magic!

  3. Brenda Abernethy13 May 2020 at 12:37

    Hi Kelsey, I love eating donuts too. Your story about how yummy they are made me realise how much I miss them.

  4. Hello Kelsey it is me Jonte here wow you blowed my mind with that and i love eating donuts too. And they are yummy great job doing that blog you later.

  5. Kia ora Kelsea
    It is Miss Waho and the Takitini bubble here. We like your science video so much, that we are going to do that right now. We will let you know how we go.

  6. Hi there Kelsea Donut! What a great name you gave yourself! I really like donuts too! The science experiment was awesome! I really like the way you danced to introduce and end the experiment .... fun! Thank you so much for sharing! Hmmmm ... have you lost a tooth lately, Kelsea? Exciting!

  7. Kia Ora Kelsea
    It's Phoebe. The donut seems yummy, it's okay that the donuts is paper. Also the experiment is really good. Do you know more other interesting experiments?

  8. Hi there you probable do't now me but my name is simeli and I'm from fiji and at whakamana

  9. Talofa Lava Kelsea, Acasia here from Te Ara Takitini, Whakamanawa.
    Woah, what a great blog post! The science experience looked very interesting and fun. I actually never knew that if you put salt in a cup of water then it would make an egg float. Your paper donuts turned out really cool as well. Great content and keep up the great work!

  10. Kia Ora Kelsea Donut this is Raewyn. I love the Donuts you have made. The science one reminds me I have done this experiment before. Maybe you can name the donuts you have made I also like the blue donut. Bye Kelsea Donut ;)

  11. Hi its brodie i like eating donuts too the donuts seems yummy great job doing that.

  12. Talofa its Benaiah from whakamanawa its cool that donuts are your favorite food like mine.The experiment was so cool. was it fun doing the experiment ?


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