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Jake - Will it Sink or Float

Jake had fun today doing our Science activity and seeing if different items around his house would float or sink. I love how much fun you had while doing this. You always make me smile.


  1. I love your investigation Jake it is awesome. I think they could show your investigation on the home learning tv channel! I would definitely watch you on there :-) It is interesting that so many things floated and your cars were funny how they were half up. I wonder if you had a bigger bowl of water would the cars do the same thing?

  2. Hi Jake! What an investigator you are! I really like the way you predicted what may happen before you put your object into the bowl. You're a little scientist, Jake!

  3. What a great scientist you are Jake. I love the way you shared your thinking and made predictions. You have done some awesome learning in your bubble. Keep up the fantastic work!

  4. What a great scientist you are! You made a prediction each time and thought about the outcome and try to reason why some float and some didn't. Great work, Jake, the scientist!

  5. Hi Jake I'm Basty
    I like your Sink or Float video and I like how you used your toys rather than other stuff that are only for adults. We watched your amazing video even Miss Waho liked it. Can you get a lot ore stuff that are enough to sink and enough for you to hold maybe your favourite toys? That would be cool!

  6. Hello I'm simeli from whakamanawa

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi Jake i'm Jason from whakamanawa i really liked your experiment and it seemed really fun i really liked the saw and i think you should have more stuff what if you had more think more and bigger things

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Kia ora it's Nikau from the senior hub.This is really cool and it is really cute.I hope you make more because it looks like it's really cool and fun.Where did you get the ideas of what things you were gonna use?

  11. Hello Jake I'm Jonte from Whakamawa
    I like your sink or float video it is so amazing I like how you did the toy not anything else. And that was so cool science how do you guess witch one floats or sink. Blog you later.

  12. Talofa/hello Jake its Wiari in Whakamawa.
    Your sink and float science project is really cute in how you guess witch float or sink.

  13. Hello it brodie from whakamana.
    Your sink and float science project is really cute in how you guess witch float or sink.

  14. Hello Jake, it's Phoebe.
    Your science activity about float & sink is really good, maybe you could use some more toys to test it?


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