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James' busy learning on Wednesday

James worked very hard this morning, working through multiple pages full of maths problems. He also did some word works. James also remembered to do some fitness activity. Check out the video to see James making the robot moves. James, it is so wonderful to see how hard you work at home and I look forward to seeing you next Monday. You are a superstar, James!


  1. My goodness I can't believe how much work you did today, this is incredible! You are certainly working hard at home on your learning. Ka pai James for staying so focused! I bet you had a very positive attitude towards your learning to get all this done :-)

  2. Hi there James! So nice to see what you've been doing! Wow, you're a wee mathematician doing all that practising! Problem solving questions aren't easy and you've worked through them! Woohoo! James ... those robot moves of yours are awesome! Looks like a lot of fun, too!

  3. I am speechless! My goodness you are doing some great learning in your bubble James. I wonder which activity you have enjoyed doing the most over the past 5 weeks. It will be wonderful to see you next week:)

  4. Hi James It's Kaycee from takitini
    Wow I really like your dance moves they are pretty cool.
    Wow I like your work you did that is pretty cool work right there!
    What work did you like the best?

  5. Talofa Lava James, Acasia here from Te Ara Takitini, Whakamanawa.
    I really like how you have decided to share about what you have been up to in your bubble. I really like your robot moves, they look pretty cool! Great job with your problem solving, working on time, math work and more, it's good when you do that kind of stuff especially when you do it during quarantine. Keep up the amazing work James!

  6. I really liked the moves and it was amazing how you thought about the moves. I think you should of made the moves in one video but i thought it was amazing what are you doing next maybe do something else.

  7. what up james how are you.

  8. Kia ora! My name is Christina im in Te Ara Takitini! In Miss Waho's Class!

    I love your robot moves they are amazing! Can we maybe see you do it without the pictures! That would be even better! #AWESOME ~CHRISTINA

  9. Hi James, it's Phoebe from Whakamanawa. Your times table and math is really good, your robot dance moves is cool. Maybe you can do other cool dance moves?

  10. Hi its Ethan from miss waho class hope u had fun doing the robot moves its cool you got some good dance move there maybe you can be the best danceer in the word.


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