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Kobe's home learning on Monday


Kobe did a measurement activity today. He estimated the length of the coffee table with the lego bricks first and then he measured the actual size. His prediction was 20 bricks but it actually measured 34 bricks. He did the same for measuring the width of the table but this time he used a spoon. His prediction was 10 but the actual length was 4 spoons wide. Well done, Kobe!


  1. What fantastic maths Kobe! I really like the way you made predictions and then checked to see if your prediction was correct. Keep up the great learning Kobe.

  2. Great measuring Kobe! I like how you estimated before you measured that is great maths work!

  3. Brenda Abernethy13 May 2020 at 13:02

    Nice counting Kobe. Was it fun using your Lego blocks to measure things?

  4. Wow, Kobe you're doing some awesome activities at home. Predicting what the measurement could be before you actually measured is such great skill to nurture. I can tell by your thumbs up and big smile that you enjoyed this maths activity! Nice work!

  5. Wow it cool im from miss waho this is very cool hope you had a fun time making these its very cool i love it good job hope you have a good day and like maybhe you can make it more biger but its very nice have a good day bye from ethan.

  6. Talofa lava! Christina here from Te ara takitini!

    I like the work your doing! Musuring is goo. Still doing some work in isolation! Thats Awesome keep it up Kobe! #AWESOME ~CHRISTINA

  7. Talofa (hi) Kobe I'm Basty and your work is amazing, I didn't know it would be that long but for spoons... Too short but it's cool. I wonder do you have more to measure? It would be nice and cool. Can you measure your toys tell us which one is the longest and the shortest.

  8. Talofa Lava Kobe, Acasia here from Te Ara Takitini, Whakamanawa.
    Your blog post it very cool and creative. I like the colours of the lego you put together, great job! Maybe next time you could have added a next step but overall this blog post it pretty cool. How long did it take you to put all the lego pieces together?


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