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Last Days of our Te Ara Whakatau Bubble

On Thursday and Friday last week we enjoyed days 12 and 13 of our school bubble. It will certainly be different going back to school on Monday with a full Hub rather than the 6 children and 2 adults that have been using this space each day for the last few weeks! So we decided to make the most of our time and have lots of fun!

So we went for a walk and rolled down the hills!

We enjoyed the playground opening again on Thursday!

Then we ended the week with a movie!

We can't wait to see you all back on Monday!


  1. Well, we are nearly a full week later. It was a very special time working in our bubbles. I enjoyed the experience and loved seeing the great learning opportunities you guys created. I think we must all be bubble buddies for life!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello this is Raewyn I love how you guys are having fun my favourite part is when you were rolling down the hills. It reminds me when other people were having fun. How was playing in the senior playground felt like?

  4. talofa it is robert how are you guys.

  5. Hello this is Brodie i like how you guys are having fun my favourite part was when you went on the senior playground. I liked how you guys where rolling down the hill was it fun to got down?

  6. Hi guys its benaiah here I how you are have the best time rolling down the hill looked nice.It was nice to see all of you having fun.Was it nice to go for the walk with all of your friends?

  7. Hi my name is Ethan I this looks like a fun day and hope everyone that went to the park and stuff like it and likes nice hope you had fun have a good day.

  8. Talofa lava, this is Phoebe It seems fun that you guys are rolling down the hill, I wish I could do that too. Was it fun to be back to school?

  9. hi its me caitlyn i miss going to your school

  10. That sounds like lots of fun! I wonder what activity you liked best? (I missed going to school a lot during lockdown)


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