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Manith's Zoom Drawing

Manith came to our zoom for the first time today and it was so exciting to see him. Thanks for joining us Manith it was fun! In our zoom meeting we drew a picture today and Manith coloured his in after we were finished our zoom chat and sent it through. I think it looks even better with the beautiful colours Manith! Miss Corry drew a picture too you can see hers next to Manith's.



  1. Go, Manith! Your drawing is awesome! You're a wee bit of an artist! How cool that you joined the zoom meet today! That is so special for you seeing your classmates and teachers! That's made me smile!

  2. Hi Manith, when I first looked at the photos I thought you had drawn Miss Corry as a robot. Then I read that you had joined the Zoom meeting and drew robots. I like the colours you used. I hope you found the Zoom meeting fun.

  3. Excellent work, Manith! I like the design of your robot. It looks like a brave soldier who protect good people from bad people. It seemed you had great fun at the zoom meeting.

  4. Tolofa lava i'm Jason from whakamanawa I really liked the design and looks amazing maybe and more detail but the rest is amazing maybe put in the drawings.

  5. Talofa lava! not the burning lava ok
    I'm Basty and your robot is cool what is his name is Robocop? You must have been tired from doing the robot it's fantastic putting your best effort. Can you make a cooler robot? comment to me so I can check it out your next robot must be going to be cooler as this one. Tofa soifua! (bye)

  6. Your robot is a super bot!

  7. Talofa Lava, Acasia here from Whakamana, Te Ara Takitini.
    I really like the drawings they look amazing! Maybe next time you could have added some more information, overall this blog post it pretty good! Keep up the amazing work.

  8. Tālofa lava. It is Miss Waho from Te Rōpū Whakamanawa. Today I am sharing your blog with my class and we are checking out what you all did during lockdown.
    I love your robot drawing that you created. That was a really good idea that you had to colour yours after the Zoom meeting was finished. It looks great.

  9. Talofa Lava, it is Jonte here from Whakamana I really like that drawing and it is really love it because it is very ditailed and it is cool and here is a Question you drawed it Blog you later have fun!!!!.

  10. Talofa lava Manith!

    Christina here from Te ara Takitini!

    You Are very talented with the drawing I cant tell the diffrence!
    Is is amazing your a little cute artist which is Amazing and awesome keep up with the work and art! #AMAZING ~CHRISTINA


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