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Onsite Bubble Day 10

Here are our awesome activities from yesterday. Only a few more days with our little bubble before everyone comes back to school and we can't wait!


  1. Brenda Abernethy13 May 2020 at 10:43

    Wow, you have had another fantastic day with lots of interesting things to do.
    I love the positive things you are going to say to your self.
    Well done

  2. It's been a long time since we said the Karakia and sung the waiata and I look forward to doing that when we are back at school next Monday. It made me feel proud listening to you all what you would do to stay positive. You all have been busy being a mathematician and scientist as well. Fantastic work, everyone!

  3. This is so cool. I love seeing all the creative things that you guys are doing and the great learning that is happening across the court from us. What a very special time this has been.

  4. Wow! This has certainly been another awesome day in your school bubble! Your positive self talk video was terrific! I really like all the words you chose .... do you know that even grown ups have to never give up, keep positive and do their best! You have all been super- duper scientists and maths gurus too! Fantastic!


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