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Onsite Bubble Day 9

Here are all the things we got up to yesterday, another very busy day! We can't wait until next Monday when everyone else can come and join us :-)


  1. Kia ora Te Ara Whakatau Bubble. It is Miss Waho from across the court.
    I like all of the different activities that you have been doing. You seem to have been working really hard and learning so much.
    I wonder how different things will be next week when the rest of your hub come back to school. What have you enjoyed the most about being at school during Level 3?

  2. Hi team, you are learning so much. I smiled when I saw the slide of you reading;) I have discovered some really great books while I have been at home which I can't wait to share. I might have to go book shopping! It will be so good to be back next week and see you all again. No doubt the hub will be a lOT busier when we are all back on Monday!

  3. Brenda Abernethy12 May 2020 at 14:24

    Hi everyone in your bubble, I really like how you were all concentrating so hard on your cutting and writing. Your work is very neat. Which thing in your picnic do you think would be Harold's favourite.
    We also watched the Talent Show, there are some great singers in your bubble.
    Well done!

  4. Hi all in bubble Te Ara Whakatau! I love Harold! I haven't seen him in ages! So nice to see you were going on a healthy picnic with him! The picnic food you drew looks healthy and tasty. Yum!

  5. I enjoyed seeing all the work you did and thank you for sharing. You all looked working hard in everything you do. It is so nice to see your maths work in measurement. I can't wait to see your work in person when we all are back at school next week!

  6. Hi Junior hub tis Lexi have from the Senior hub. I look at your blogs pot.I love that you have been post lots of fins on the Junior hub blog in lockdown well done keep it up.

    1. Thanks for commenting on our blog post Lexi! We have been having lots of fun at school. Looking forward to seeing you next week!


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