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Onsite Learning Day 6

Here is our learning from yesterday! We were very busy again with our adventures, we even got to see some of our friends (from a safe distance :-) when we went out to count cars for maths! Check out our awesome day below, we even included some of the fantastic drawings that our friends did during our zoom chat!


  1. What a busy and productive day you had! I'm surprised there wasn't a photo of you all having a sleep! Which part of the day did you enjoy the most? I bet you made Dot's day when you saw her! Im sure Maddison and Charlotte enjoyed seeing some friendly faces too. I can't wait to see you all again and find out how you are working on your goals.

  2. Hello lovely bubble! Well .... team Te Ara Whakatau .... What an awesome day you all have had. Woohoo - I bet Dot is still smiling after seeing you all! How awesome! And those press ups you showed her were quite impressive. What great goal setting and I really like the way you have written them to keep on your personal posters. Go you!

  3. It looked like you all had another fun day learning at school. I watch the Home Learning TV at home too and I love it. Your drawings are awesome. Great work, everyone! Matua Antone will be very impressed to see how well you can do the counting with the movement. Thank you for sharing. It's so nice to see what you are doing at school.


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