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Class Awards for May 2020

As we are unable to have assemblies at the moment. We held our class awards within our hub. Check out all of these awesome new students and class award winners for the month of May.
We have such an incredible bunch of students we work with each day. Keep up the amazing work Te Ara Whakatau!

A big warm welcome to all of our new students in Kura Pounamu
Oliva McKenzie, Josias Waugh & Christopher Chang
                            A big warm welcome to all of our new students in Auaha
Ra-ryu (Ra) Rewha-Braxton  & Kino Coleman
Kura Pounamu Class awards:
Fish Awards: Leyla Haines & Carter Riordan
Duffy Awards: Jake Vivek & Jack Baker
Teacher Awards: Mei Salele & Christopher Chang
Wawata Class awards:
Fish Awards: Dylan Sansom & Harley Allen
Duffy Awards: Isabellah Mahoney & Sopich Lim
Teacher Awards: Thomas Batt & Sana Amiri
Auaha Class awards:
Fish Aawards: Adara Loper & Ian Bedford
Duffy Awards: James Munsey & Ra Rewha-Braxton
Teacher Awards: Kelsea Andales & Isabella Hancock
Maia Class awards:
Fish Awards: Aanaya Deo & Natania Salele
Duffy Awards: Caitlin Tan & Parker Kirkwood
Teacher Awards: Maddison Cummins
Mr Wilkinson is currently away so Ms Speden is Acting Principal and had an award to hand out.
Principal Award: Charlotte Cummins


  1. Wow! I can't believe Christopher(my brother)has 2 certificates! (His books were funny) I feel very proud for everyone:)

    1. Hello
      WOW lots of rewards
      and really good.I liked the pic with
      mrs corry it was funny on the
      3 pic.keep it up guys stay cool bye bye!

  2. So many superstars here! You should all be very proud of your achievements and welcome to all of our new faces :-)


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