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Aroha's Awesome work!

Aroha had another busy learning day. She did the reading activity and worked on comprehension questions. She followed the writing activity instruction,  wrote a fractured fairy tale, and also worked on the number of the day activity. 

What a busy working day you had, Aroha! I enjoyed reading your story. I wonder why the ghost wanted to come into Nikau's house. Maybe it wanted to be a friend with Nikau?



  1. Goodness me Aroha! You are working so hard. I loved reading your story and was wondering the same thing as Mrs Park. I found the reading activity about popsicles interesting and I learnt about them from reading this too. I'm super impressed with the maths work you are doing. Stay warm in your bubble and keep up the fantastic work:)

  2. Hi, I love the work you are doing Aroha. I think one day you could be writing your own books.
    It is great that you have something that you enjoy doing while you are in lock down.
    From Mrs Abernethy

  3. Aroha you certainly have had a busy day today, look at all your amazing work! I can tell that you love writing because you always write such amazing stories so clearly. Thanks for sharing :-)

  4. I love writing fractured fairytales Aroha, well done:D You are such a writer and I always enjoying reading your stories. Keep up the fantastic work! :D


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