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Caelin's Exciting Home Learning

 Caelin has been busy again today with his awesome home learning activities. He checked out some home learning TV with Suzy Cato and then he has been working on making a tower out of cups. I can't believe how many he has stacked so high! Super impressive Caelin, I don't think I could balance nearly as many as you! When he was stacking he was also practising his maths by adding and subtracting, how awesome. Caelin also thought about what might happen if he put some water in a cup and put it in the freezer, what an interesting experiment Caelin! Keep up your fantastic creativity!



  1. Wow that tower is very impressive Caelin, it looks taller than you. I love that you as you constructed you extended on your learning by adding and subtracting. Thanks for sharing little snippets of your daily happenings with us, we enjoy seeing what you're up too!

  2. You built the tower that is taller than you, Caelin. It must be very tricky and you have to concentrate hard on stacking the cups so that they don't fall. Did you find out what happened to the water in the cup when you put it in the freezer?

  3. Hi Caelin
    Thanks for sharing these photos. I really enjoy seeing what people are up to at home. With the colder weather we are having it's a good time to be watching the home learning on tv. I wonder how many times you stacked the cups to make this tower. I think you probably showed resilience and kept trying when the cups fell down. Keep up the great work Caelin:)


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