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Kelsea Shares Her Work


Kelsea has been very creative in her bubble. Lego is lots of fun to play with and for using our imaginations. The chocolate chip cookie was made in the microwave. I wonder if Kelsea could share the recipe, it looks so yummy!


  1. Hi Kelsea, yes I would love you to share the recipe for your microwave cookie please.
    From Mrs Abernethy

  2. Haha I love how relaxed Elsa looks on your creation. I hope you are enjoying staying safe in your bubble eating yummy chocolate chip cookies. I have never baked cookies in the microwave maybe ill have to try this out too.

  3. I love that you are doing the lego challenges Kelsea, that is so cool! I agree that cookie looks delicious I can't believe it was made in the microwave. You are very clever, thanks for sharing :-)

  4. Hey Kelsea, I love your lego creation and I can't believe you made a cookie in the microwave, I would love to see the recipe. How did they taste?

  5. I love your lego Elsa's house, Kelsea! I am going to search for a microwave chocolate cookie recipe and give it a go this afternoon. Thanks for sharing!


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