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Aroha's Fun Busy Monday!

It is pleasing to see Aroha keep working hard at home. She worked on words, inferencing reading strategy, and creating her dinner menu (for Christmas?). Luckily it wasn't just all the work she did. She had fun blowing humongous bubbles. Aroha, I bet you had great fun making such a huge bubble. I wonder how many bubbles you made altogether. Did they move high up into the sky?


  1. Hi Aroha
    Wow, it looks like you have been super busy today. I can't wait to see you back at school so you can tell me how you made such big bubbles!

  2. Wow, that is a massive bubble Aroha! Very impressive that you managed to make that. I wonder like Mrs Park how high did your bubble go?

  3. Clever making such enormous bubbles in your bubble. You did lots of work today, well done!


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