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Kelsea gets creative

Kelsea tried out another recipe which she loved. It's called Yoyo Froyo Pop. She did a maze and also drew a cute version of a candy and birthday cake. Yoyo Froyo Pops look like a great way to cool down on a hot day!



  1. Kelsea, I had to look up what Yoyo Froyo Pop is as I have not heard it before. So it's a healthy ice block since it is made with yoghurt. It looks like a perfect summer treat. Did you add some fresh fruit?

  2. Hi Kelsea, I would like to visit Kelsea's yummy food world if everything looks that delicious and colourful. I"m going to google search the recipe for those Yoyo Froyo Pops they look perfect to have in the freezer for the summer.
    From Mrs Abernethy

  3. Yum these look delicious and we sure have had some lovely warm days. We made Tropical Pops last lockdown after watching Nadia Lim make them. You could try and make Tropical Pops if you get a chance and like banana, pineapple juice, coconut milk and spinach. They come out a fantastic bright green colour.

  4. Hello Kelsea Does Yoyo Froyo Pops looks Like a Great snack for Summer Or Spring days Maybe your could make a Shop with selling them when lockdown is over Because you could get tons of people and maybe You could be one of the best stores worldwide. -Orlando

  5. Hi Kelsea

    Those Froyo Pops look delicious.Maybe next time you can include the recipe so others can see how delicious it is.How long did it take to do it?


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