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Orana Park 17th November 2021

Thank You to all our amazing helpers today. This wouldn’t have been possible without you, and what a wonderful way to explore education outside the classroom. We hope you all enjoyed it!  The children should all sleep well tonight we definitely covered some serious distance around the park on a beautiful, sunny, warm day. Hopefully, they all shared something positive and interesting from today’s excursion. Some of the highlights from Group 2 were at the first attraction two sunhats flew off into the enclosure and the children watched as the Meerkats had a great time exploring and playing with them (we did get them back). Another was meeting and feeding Harriet the Giraffe who’s Dad is Gerrald! I think the funniest one was after lunch when we were regathering and the adults called out Number 2’s line up here please (the looks on the children’s faces were hilarious!) Each group experienced a different part of the park at the same time. This meant each of the four groups saw different things which gave us a lot to talk about at lunchtime and on the bus back to school. I’m sure the children will be talking about this for days. A fantastic day which even saw a few of our younger children falling asleep on the journey back to school. 


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