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Welcome Back!

We have been having lots of fun this year since we cam back to school. Keep an eye out here to see some of what we've been up to! The first thing we have loved doing is getting back into the pool whenever we can!



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Letter of the Week

This year we are doing phonics in our homerooms. Kiwi class looks at two letters and their matching sounds every week. Weka and Pukeko classes work together on one letter of the week. Each week we have a letter of the week wall where we display all the things we can find that begin with our letter of the week. Last week our letter was H and we had some fun having Harlin Haines wearing a hat on our h wall. Too cute not to share! This week our letter is J so get your thinking caps on Weka and Pukeko classes, what words do you know that start with J?

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